
Humor Side Funny Comics – Top 20

Funniest Humor side Comics: Finding a hobby or activity that brings you joy and fulfilment can help you stay happier when you are away from loved ones and have no one to talk to.

Humor Side Funny Comics

Activities that you enjoy can help to divert attention you from negative thinking and give you a sense humor of purpose and achievement. Exercise, reading, writing, painting, and playing music are some examples of hobbies that can help promote happiness.

Another option is to engage in mindfulness and meditation exercises, which can be found at Enjoying Funniest Comics or humor side comics. Mindfulness is the practise of focusing on the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or the future. Meditation can reduce stress and anxiety while also improving overall well-being. There are numerous resources available to help you learn how to meditate, including apps, books, and online classes.



Another important aspect of remaining happy is to take care of your physical and mental health. A healthy diet, enough sleep, and regular exercise can all help with overall well-being. It is also critical to seek assistance if you are experiencing mental health problems such as depression or anxiety.

Another important aspect of staying happy is surrounding yourself with positive people while avoiding negative influences. Surrounding yourself with positive and encouraging people can help to lift your spirits and give you a sense of belonging. Avoiding negative or depressing people, on the other hand, can help to reduce stress and anxiety.




Finally, staying in touch with loved ones via technology is one of the best ways to stay happy when you are separated from them. With the advent of social media and video chat, it is now easier than ever to stay connected with loved ones, even if you are separated by long distances. Staying in touch with loved ones, whether via text message, phone call, or video chat, can provide a sense of comfort and support.




The capabilities of events to make others laugh and amuse them is referred to as humor. The term derives from ancient Greek humoral medicine, which held that the fluid balance in the human body, known as humours, influenced human health and emotion.
A good laugh is enjoyed by people of all ages and cultures. A sense of humor is defined as the ability of the majority of people to be pleased, grin, or laugh at anything humorous (such as a pun or joke). The hypothetical individual without a sense of humour would most likely find the underlying behaviour incomprehensible, unusual, or even unreasonable.


Image Source: The Far Side

Though personal taste influences how amusing something is, a person’s level of amusement is influenced by a variety of factors such as geographical location, culture, character strength, level of education, intelligence, and context. Due to their physical characteristics, slapstick, such as Punch and Judy puppet shows or Tom and Jerry cartoons, may appeal to young children.


Image Source: The Far Side


Image Source: The Far Side

Finally, staying happy is a skill that requires practise and dedication. It’s not always easy, but you can learn to cultivate happiness in your life by focusing on the present moment, engaging in activities that bring you joy, practising mindfulness and meditation, taking care of your physical and mental health, surrounding yourself with positive people, and staying connected with loved ones. Always remember to be kind to yourself and never regret anything you’ve done in the past. It is critical to live in the present moment.


Image Source: The Far Side


Image Source: The Far Side

Take a break and read The Far Side comics whenever you’re bored or down. This webcomic series was created by Gary Larson. Despite the fact that he had been gone for 25 years, he left no legacy. He came back with the same sense of humour and style he had 25 years before. Readers enjoy his comics’ dark humour and plot twists.

So, if you’re new to The Far Side and haven’t seen the comics before, here’s a sample. These single-panel comics have their own dedicated following. We’ve compiled a list of some of his comics to show you how valuable they are. Scroll down to find out more.


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